
Author: Angel's Kuuipo


Rating: PG-13 for the moment

Pairing: Willow/Spike

Disclaimer: I bow to the altar of the genius that is Joss.  Angel and Co. don't belong to me, much to my regret.  I'm only playing and promise to return them when I'm done.  Angel will be late cos he's such a nummy treat.

Distribution: If you have stuff of mine it's yours iffin you want it.  Anyone else, just ask.  I'll probably say yes.  I'd just like to know its going to a good home.

Feedback: Crave it like the little praise whore I am.  Be honest, but please be kind.  Flames make me cry and you wouldn't want to make me cry would you?

Author's Note:  This is my first Spillow fic.  Be kind.  Spoilers for BtVS Season 7 and AtS Season five.  Takes place five years after 'Not Fade Away.'  Angel is Spike's sire, cos Joss said so first.

Summary: Willow and Spike had a moment in Chosen.  She disappeared after Sunnydale fell.  Now, six years later they're reunited.





Sunnydale, California- May 2003

Spike looked at her in stunned silence. She fidgeted nervously under his piercing blue gaze waiting for him to speak. When he finally did, she jumped at the sound of his silky voice. “You want to what?”

Taking a deep breath she said, “I want to make love to you. We could very likely die tomorrow and I want one of my last memories to be of you holding me, being with me. I want to know a man’s touch one more time. Specifically, I want to know your touch.” When he didn’t immediately reply, she started to lose her nerve. Backing towards the door, she stuttered, “Y-you k-know what? Never mind. This was a bad idea. I shouldn’t have put you on the spot like that. We’ll just say it’s the hellmouth having a chuckle at our expense. Ha, ha. I-I’m s-sorry to have b-bothered you.” She turned to leave and had just opened the door when a pale hand slammed it shut. Without turning she said softly, “Spike?”

Moving her hair aside to nuzzle her neck, he murmured, “You do have an interesting sense of timing, pet. Why couldn’t you have shown me this kind of interest three years ago?”

She moaned softly at the feel of his cool lips on her flesh and tilted her head to give him better access. She’d always wanted him, but never had the courage to go after him. Just like with Angel; and both of them had gone after Buffy. She always lost to Buffy, but it was a given that she would since she never really entered the game. Too shy, too insecure, and too scared to even try. She’d loved him from afar; hiding her feelings so deep that she’d even fooled herself for a time. Willow wouldn’t trade her time with Tara for anything, but the blond vampire had had a piece of her heart since he’d kidnapped her and Xander their senior year. Well now she had something she was scared of even more: her imminent and quite possibly very painful death and she was tired of not at least trying to grab what she wanted. As Spike wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back against him she answered his question. “I was interested, but I was scared.”

Nibbling at her ear he said, “You’re not scared anymore?”

“I’m terrified, but I’m scared of dying without knowing you, at least once, even more.”

He turned her in his arms and met her wide green eyes. He searched them for a moment before a tender smile crossed his face. “I’ve waited for this moment for a long time.” He leaned in and caught her lips. Their first kiss was everything she’d ever hoped it would be. When she pulled back to breathe, he leaned his forehead against hers before he picked her up and carried her to his bed. Lying down beside her, he kissed her again and sighed, “Willow.”

They made love throughout the night, at times soft and gentle, at others wild and rough. Spike learned every inch of her body and Willow did the same with his. Both bore bite marks and scratches. All of the love she held for him was unleashed, leaving the vampire stunned at the depth of her feelings for him. He’d had a soft spot for the witch since he’d kidnapped her and the moron senior year. That was part of the reason he’d come back to Sunnyhell after losing the Gem of Amara to Angel. He’d wanted to take her and have her soothe his wounded pride like she had when Dru left him. Then his life had gone to hell because of the Initiative prats and other things got in the way. Now though, with death on the horizon, none of that mattered.

Spike felt her slip out of his bed just before sunrise. Continuing to feign sleep, it was all he could do not to pull her back down next to him when she brushed a kiss over his cheek and whispered, “I love you, William the Bloody Awful Poet. I love you, Spike.”

//The witch loves me?// He opened his eyes just as the door closed behind her. Rolling onto his back, Spike contemplated the ceiling trying to sort out his emotions. Things were so jumbled up he didn’t know where to start. “Bloody hell.”


As the bus left the smoldering ruins of her hometown, Willow finally let the tears fall. He was gone. She had known one of them wouldn’t make it out alive, but she had truly thought it would be her. But no, it had been Spike who’d made the ultimate sacrifice. The hellmouth was closed and the First was defeated, for now, and Spike was dust. She ran her fingers over her lips and across her neck; remembering the feel of his lips on hers and the sting of his fangs entering her neck as their bodies moved together. Well, she had wanted a final memory of him and she certainly got her wish. She’d never forget the feel of him against her, holding her, loving her. She’d never forget him.

Los Angeles, California- May 2004

A year. It had been a year since he’d seen her, touched her, made love to her; and he was right back where he was then. He was going to face his final death. Again. Only this time the witch wasn’t there to ask him so sweetly to make love to her. No one could find her. The Slayer, the Watcher, neither of them knew where his witch had gone. Oh, they didn’t know he was the one trying to find her. No, Peaches had been doing the research for him, but it had taken a back burner in the last couple of months. Spike closed his eyes against the pain of losing Fred. She’d been such a good friend to him even though he’d acted like a right bastard to her a lot of the time. When Illyria had taken her, that’s when he and the rest of Angel’s crew had discovered that Willow had disappeared. Apparently she’d vanished from the Slayer’s circle three months after Sunnydale fell. Xander had left a couple months after that. He’d wanted to find her when he’d come back from the void he’d been in after going up in flames, but what could he have offered her as a ghost? Then when he’d gotten his body back, well, life had gotten in the way. Now she was gone and he very likely wouldn’t survive the coming battle to find her and tell her that he’d never forgotten her, that he wanted her by his side, that he could finally return the words of love she’d whispered when she thought he was asleep.

Spike managed to get the child and return him to his mother. His task complete he headed to the alley behind the Hyperion. No one else was there, yet, and he really hoped the others were all right. Even Angel. The ponce annoyed him to no end, but he didn’t want to see him dust. Not anymore. The trip to Italy had been an eye opener for the both of them. They were over the Slayer. Spike had been fairly certain he was last year when he’d taken Willow to his bed, but he’d known for sure when he’d been chasing the chit with his sire and realized how stupid the whole thing was. Buffy didn’t love him, had never loved him and would never love him. It was a waste of time. Angel had come to similar conclusions. The Broody One had realized that it was more the thought of the Immortal having her that he didn’t like than the fact that she was involved with someone else. He really felt nothing more towards her than the affection of a past love. They’d bonded over alcohol on the flight back and had reached a truce of sorts. Now it was quite probable that whoever did make it to this alley was not going to be leaving it.

Wesley was dead. The ex-watcher could be a pompous prat, but he was a good man and Spike was actually sad that he hadn’t made it. Gunn was hurt pretty bad and would most likely be the next to go, but he was there ready to fight with his last breath. Illyria and Angel had made it too. He wasn’t sure about Lorne, but something told him the green demon was alive. The four of them were so outnumbered it was laughable, but there they were ready to die for the elusive Greater Good.

The demons were coming for them. There was even a dragon. Spike couldn’t help the chuckle when Angel had said he’d always wanted to slay a dragon. A knight in tarnished armor, his sire was.

Sword at the ready, Angel said, “Let’s go to work.” All hell broke loose then. Five minutes into the fight Connor showed up to help, much to Angel’s chagrin and surprise. Fifteen minutes after that, it was all over.

Gunn was about to fall when there was a blinding flash of light. When the five of them could see again the alley was clear and all of their wounds had been healed. They all looked at each other for a moment before Spike said, “What just happened here?”

Angel was looking around in disbelief. “They’re all gone.” He looked at Illyria. “Did you do this?”

She glared at him in her calm way. “No. I do not possess this type of power any longer.”

Gunn was checking his stomach. The wound he’d received at the Senator’s office was completely gone. “I don’t know about y’all, but I for one am not going to complain. It looks like I’ll be around a while longer.”

“WARRIORS” said a booming voice from above. The five looked up, but saw only the cloudy night sky. They hadn’t even realized the rain had stopped. “YOU HAVE SERVED US WELL AND COMPLETED YOUR MISSION.” A soft voice from in front of them brought their attention back to the alley. “It is time to receive your rewards.”

Angel stared at the figure before him. “Cordy?”

“Hey you. Guess the Powers weren’t quite done with me after all.” Angel, Gunn, Connor and Spike all moved to embrace the departed seer. Illyria held back, not knowing whom this person was.

“What are you doing here?” Angel asked when he finally let her go.

“I’m here to give you your reward.” He looked at her blankly and she rolled her eyes. “You remember that nifty little prophecy called the Shanshu?”

He shook his head. “I signed it away, gave up my chance in order to convince the Black Thorn.”

She glared at him. “Yeah we know, you idiot. What were you thinking? Never mind I think I already know. You gave up your chance to be human, but that doesn’t mean you don’t still get paid.” She looked at Spike. “You either, Blondie.”

“What do we get, seer?” Spike asked, trying to act nonchalant. He really hadn’t given much thought to the Shanshu prophecy since that fiasco with the cup of Mountain Dew, but he had to admit he was curious.

“Well, Spike, both you and Angel will get to see the sunrise for the rest of your lives without fear of going poof.” Cordy turned to Angel and cupped his cheek. “And you get to keep your soul with no clauses, catches, or loopholes. Angelus may be a little closer to the surface, but he’ll never be free again and you won’t feel so guilty. You’ve suffered long enough. Redemption is yours.” She let go of him and faced the rest of the group. “And as an added bonus, you’re all released from your fealty to the Powers. No more fighting if you don’t want to. You’ve all done your part. New warriors will be called and the game will begin anew.”

“Game?” Connor asked.

Cordy grimaced. “For lack of a better word. The Powers and the Senior Partners go through this every couple of millennia. Sometimes we win, sometimes they do. It’s all a game to them, but if Angel and Spike accept their reward, then they’re out of it. The Powers and Senior Partners will bother some other poor schmuck. Wolfram & Hart is done in LA for good.” Silence fell and she looked around at the remnants of her family. Angel and Spike were lost in their own thoughts. Connor and Gunn were talking quietly. Her eyes lit on Illyria and she sighed. Going over to her she said quietly, “I know it hurts losing Wesley.”

“What do you know of my pain?”

“I lost someone close to me five years ago. I always had a part of him with me because of the visions, but I would have rather had Doyle back. It gets easier with time, but the pain never really disappears.” She smiled softly. “I’m with him now. I’d forgotten just how annoying he could be, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. If it helps, Wesley is happy now. He and Fred are together and that’s as it should be.”

Illyria studied the being before her. “You are not human.”

Cordelia shrugged. “No, I suppose I’m not. Not anymore. I’m dead, but I’m not exactly a ghost. It doesn’t really matter. I have a job to do and when I’m done I’ll go back to where I belong until the next time I’m needed.”

“What is to become of me?” the former god-king asked.

“Well…I could take you with me when I’m done and you could go back into stasis. Or, you could stay here and assimilate yourself into society. You could learn to live amongst the humans as Wesley was teaching you to do. You’ll never have your full power back, but I think you could be happy here if you let yourself. I know you have all of Fred’s memories and feelings within you. It would be a difficult transition, but you could learn to like it.” Looking back at her friends she said, “I think you’d have help.” Angel was watching her intently. Before she went to him she looked back at Illyria.

“I will stay,” she said.

Cordelia nodded and walked back over to Angel and Spike. “Well?”

The vampires looked at each other then back at her. Angel smiled, “We’re ready.”

~Part: 1~

Queensland, Australia- 2009

The sound of tires screeching brought Willow to the front door of the house. She pulled back when she saw Xander leap out of the car without turning it off. He threw the door open and said, “We’re blown. We’ve got maybe thirty minutes before they get here.”

Willow paled but quickly moved into action. “How did they find us here?” she asked as she gathered her laptop and slipped it into its carrying case.

Xander ran a hand through his shaggy dark hair and said, “I don’t know. I suppose same as last time and the time before that and the time before that.” He was in the process of collecting their stash of money from the hiding places they’d put it in.

Willow called out, “Jesse, honey, we have to go.”

The five-year old boy walked into the living room with an already packed suitcase and a ragged teddy bear tucked under his arm. “I know mum. I’m ready.”

Willow looked at her son and bit back a curse. This was no way for a child to live, always having a bag packed, always looking over your shoulder, living on the run. It had to stop, that’s all there was to it. “This is the last time we’re running. I’ve had enough. We’re going to get to the bottom of this and find out why they’re really after us.” She went into her bedroom and started throwing clothes into a bag.

Jesse sat down to wait and Xander followed her into her room. As he helped her, he said softly, “You know why they’re after you Wills. They want Jesse.”

“Yeah, well, they can’t have him. He’s all I have of his father and I will not lose him. I wish I knew how they found out. You’d think being the powerful witch and hacker that I am, I could have prevented this.” She looked at her oldest friend with tears in her eyes. “It has to stop, Xan. He should be starting school and making friends instead of running for his life. A five-year old should not be able to speak three languages already.”

Not for the first time, Xander wondered just who his ‘nephew’s’ father was. Willow refused to tell him. All she would say was that he was special to her and died when Sunnydale fell. There were times he looked at Jesse and could have sworn Spike was looking back at him, but that was just impossible. Vampires couldn’t have children and Willow had never mentioned any feelings for the departed vamp. Jesse was special though; there was no doubt about it. Willow would tell him when she was ready. For now, Xander would do everything he could to protect the two most important people in his life.

Xander pulled her into his arms as she started to cry and rocked her gently. They didn’t have much time and they both knew it. He couldn’t believe he was about to say what he did, but then he suggested, “I think we should go to Angel.”

Willow pulled back and looked at him in amazement. “Are you serious?”

He nodded. “I know for a fact that he has no contact with the others. After he took over the LA office of Wolfram & Hart they broke all ties with him. They didn’t trust him.” He laughed humorlessly. “He was fighting from within the belly of the beast and they thought he’d gone evil again.”

“How do you know this?” she asked him. She couldn’t believe he’d actually suggested they go to Angel and called him by his name instead of Deadboy.

“Don’t get mad, but I’ve talked to him a couple of times. We’ve made our peace, Wills. He knows nothing about you or Jesse. I’m not that stupid; but I do think he’d be able to help us.”

“Mum?” They both turned at Jesse’s voice.

“What honey?”

“They’re almost here.”

“Fuck. Sorry.” Xander said as he grabbed her bag, not even realizing he hadn’t packed one for himself. “Let’s go.”

The trio was in the car and on their way to the airport when the first black Suburban passed them on its way to the recently vacated home. Willow was just beginning to think they would make it when the first gunshot rang out and the back window of the car exploded. Jesse screamed and Xander was cursing mightily as he fought to bring the car back under control. Willow reached back and grabbed her son’s hand as she closed her eyes and began chanting a protection spell for them. The next shot blew out one of the tires and the car went careening into the ditch.

Willow smacked her head on the window and Xander’s hit the steering wheel. Ignoring the throbbing pain and the slow oozing of blood she could feel on her temple, Willow said, “Everyone out, now.”

Xander shook off the dizziness and nausea and tried to open his door. It was jammed, so he climbed out on Willow’s side of the car. Jesse was clutching his teddy bear and Willow had her laptop case. Xander hadn’t had anything personal enough to hold onto except the two people he was with in five years. Willow hastily cast a circle and prayed her goddess would grant her the strength to do what she was about to attempt. She closed her eyes and held on to Jesse and Xander and began the spell. Just before she finished there was another gunshot and she felt something warm spray her face. //Goddess, please, get us to Angel safely// she thought desperately.

There was a bright flash of light and a loud snap as she completed the chant. When the light faded, the area they had been standing in was empty.

The Hyperion, Los Angeles, California- 2009

Angel came down the stairs whistling. He paused on the last step and surveyed the renovated first floor of his hotel. Angel Investigations was doing very well. Even though he was no longer a warrior for the Powers That Be, he still helped the helpless. Well, he, Spike, Gunn, Illyria and most recently Connor helped the helpless. The demons weren’t as prevalent in the city anymore, but there were still plenty of people that needed saving. The dark-haired vampire smiled to himself as he walked into his office. His son had graduated from Stanford and wanted to work with him. They were friends as were Angel and Spike. The younger vampire still annoyed him to no end, but they had put their differences aside over the last five years and worked very well together.

Angel frowned as he picked up his messages. Spike was off on another lead about Willow. The now brunette vampire had been searching for their friend since just after the final battle with Wolfram & Hart. He only left when he had a solid lead. Thus far he had missed the witch in Germany, Italy, and Spain. Angel still wasn’t certain why his childe was so determined to find Willow, but he helped him however he could. The confrontation between Spike, Buffy, and Giles had been rather explosive and five years later there was still no contact between the former Scoobies and AI.

Glancing through the window he saw Gunn talking with a pro bono client, Connor was on the phone tracking down a lead on a missing persons case and…Angel’s brow rose as he watched Illyria sit down at a computer and start an Internet search. Illyria and computers didn’t always get along.

Illyria was still a mystery to Angel. He had expected her to take off for parts unknown after The Battle, as it was referred to, but she had chosen to remain with him and when it was decided that Angel Investigations would be reopened she had declared she would be a part of it. Angel rather thought it had something to do with honoring Wes. Very rarely did she revert to her armor-encased self anymore. She looked like Fred almost exclusively, except for the electric blue streaks in her hair and her choice in clothes. Illyria preferred leather to silk and only wore a dress or skirt on the threat of dismemberment. She had let the memories she held of Fred blend with her and the result was a very tough, very brilliant woman. The former god-king could be charming when she wanted to be, but that didn’t happen often. Angel smirked slightly as he thought Illyria reminded him an awful lot of Faith. The only people she associated with in a somewhat friendly capacity were Angel, Spike, Gunn, Connor and Lorne and she seemed perfectly content to keep it that way. Of all of them she was closest to Spike.

A blinding flash of light drew Angel’s attention to the lobby. He was out the door with his sword drawn before it faded. He was brought up short by a scream of, “Xander!”

In his lobby was Willow, with blood on her face, clutching a very bloodied, unconscious Xander, and a small boy with light brown hair who was holding a beat-up teddy bear. Angel shook off his surprise and pushed back his demon at the smell of fresh blood, “Willow?”

The frantic redhead jerked her head up at his voice. Tears were streaming down her face. “Help me Angel, please. I was almost done with the spell when they shot him. This is the closest they’ve gotten to us since the first time they found us.” She turned her attention back to her oldest friend. “Come on, Xan. Don’t you dare leave me.” She laid him down and started looking for the bullet wound. She never noticed the others coming to kneel next to her with a first aid kit. Jesse stood silently by clutching his bear and hoping his Unca Xander was going to be okay.

Angel put his arm around Willow. “We’ll help him don’t worry. Do you want us to call an ambulance?”

She shook her head frantically. “No! No hospitals, no police. They’ll find us that much sooner that way.” The boy moved closer to Willow and she turned to hug him to her tightly.

Angel had so many questions it wasn’t even funny, but he knew they would have to wait. The others were doing a good job of getting Xander patched and cleaned up. It appeared the bullet had torn through his right shoulder, but looked to have exited cleanly. It wasn’t a life threatening injury, just messy and extremely painful. Xander moaned as Connor finished bandaging the wound. Blinking open his good eye he stared at the ceiling. “Wha?”

Angel leaned into his line of sight. “Harris, that was quite an entrance. Is the front door too good for you?”

Xander glared at the vampire half-heartedly. “Yuck, yuck. You’re funny Angel, really.” He closed his eye. “Wills? You and Jesse alright?”

Willow and Jesse were beside him immediately. The redhead grabbed his hand tightly. “We’re fine, Xan. You scared the crap out of me.” Her voice broke and she took several breaths before continuing. “I’m so sorry, Xander.”

He opened his eye again. “Don’t. Don’t apologize to me. I’ve had worse injuries. Granted, I can’t think of any right at the moment, but I’m sure I’ve had worse. And this wasn’t your fault, Wills.”

She shook her head. “If you weren’t with us-“

Xander cut her off. “We are not having this conversation again. I love you and Jesse and wouldn’t be anywhere else. Get over it and move on.” Turning his head slightly he took in the people who were still gathered round him. “Hello, LA. Sorry to drop in so unexpectedly. Thank you for your timely assistance.” He gently removed his hand from Willow’s grasp and tried to sit up. Grimacing in pain he said, “A little help up would be nice.”

Angel helped the young man up and over to one of the couches, not caring that Xander would likely get blood on the upholstery. It’s not like it hadn’t happened before. Once he was comfortable, Angel turned his attention to Willow. She was running her hands over the little boy, carefully removing small shards of glass that were in his hair. “Willow, you’re bleeding as well. Let me have a look at you.”

Not looking up she continued her task, “I’m fine, Angel.”

The boy spoke for the first time. “Mum, let him help you. Unca Xander can get the glass out,” he said quietly.

Angel’s brows rose. //Mum? Unca Xander?// Willow sighed and looked at her son. With the exception of a couple of scratches on his cheeks and knees that were already healing, he looked physically fine. She looked into his ocean blue-green eyes and saw the gold tinge that was present when he was around too much blood. Nodding in resignation she sent him over to Xander.

Focusing on Angel once again, she was brought up short by the sight of him standing in a patch of sunlight. She took a look around the space she was in and realized there was a lot of natural light coming in. “Angel, you’re standing in the sun and not going poof.”

He smiled faintly as he drew her over to one of the chairs and sat her down so he could tend to her head. “The sun isn’t a problem anymore. Neither is losing my soul.”

“When? How? Why?”

“Little One, I think it would be better if we waited to talk until after the three of you have cleaned up, rested, and eaten something; and not necessarily in that order.” Shooting a glance at Xander and the boy, he said, “It would seem a lot has happened on both sides in the last five years.”

Willow nodded, suddenly feeling very tired. The fear, stress, and anger of the last five years seemed to evaporate leaving her feeling disoriented. Her son was safe now. She knew it deep inside. “That would be fine, Angel,” she said thickly. Then she passed out.

~Part: 2~

Queensland, Australia

Spike stood at the broken door of the house he knew Willow had been in. Cursing the invisible barrier that kept him out, he surveyed the damage. The place had been thoroughly tossed. He’d checked the windows and each room was a disaster. Willow’s scent, along with a scent he seemed to recall as Xander’s, wafted from the open door. There was another scent that was stronger than the fleeting ones of whoever had gone through the house, but he couldn’t place it. There was something very familiar about it, though, and he was frustrated at his inability to identify it. Taking one last look, Spike headed for his car.

As Spike drove away, he rolled down the window. In the headlights, he noticed fresh skid marks that he had missed on his way to the house. He had just passed them when a scent he hadn’t smelled in six years hit him. Jerking the car around he pulled off to the side of the road and went back to where the marks ended in the ditch. Keeping the headlights trained on the site, Spike studied the ground, taking in the remnants of the magick he could feel. The vampire knelt and touched the dark spots scattered on the ground in and around where a circle had been cast. The spots were dry, but he could make out the distinctive scent of Willow’s blood. There was also Xander’s scent, if his memory and his perception of whose scent had been in the house were correct.

Pulling out his cell phone, Spike hit the speed dial for his sire. He lit a cigarette as he waited for Angel to pick up. When he did, Spike didn’t even wait for him to speak.

“Angel, Willow and Xander are hurt. I don’t know where they are, but the house they were staying in was trashed and I found traces of their blood on the side of the road. I have to-“

Angel interrupted him, “Spike, come home, now.”


“Now, Spike. Be on the next plane back to LA.”

Spike narrowed his eyes as he walked back to his car. “What’s going on, Peaches?”

“I’ll explain it when you get here.”

Spike sighed. “I’m on my way.”

The Hyperion, Los Angeles

Jesse couldn’t sleep. He didn’t want to disturb his mum or his uncle, so the little boy slipped quietly out of the suite Angel had put them in. He wandered the halls for a bit before finally making his way downstairs. Standing at the bottom of the staircase, he looked around the offices they had appeared in earlier. Things had been so chaotic that no introductions had been made, but Jesse knew the big, tall, dark-haired man was Angel. He was the one his Unca Xander said they could trust. Jesse quietly made his way to the office he could see him sitting in. He studied the man sitting behind the desk, opening his senses to see beyond the surface.

Angel looked up when he felt the sensation of being watched. The boy, Jesse, was standing in the doorway to his office. The dark vampire took a moment to study him in detail. His unusually colored eyes were unfocused as though he were looking inside himself. Angel took in Jesse’s short, curly, light brown hair, big blue-green eyes, high, defined cheekbones, an adorable little nose, and a full, pouting mouth. He thought the boy was rather small for his age, but then Willow was a small woman. Angel could only assume that his father wasn’t very big either. Idly, he wondered if Oz had entered the picture again at some point, but he didn’t get the feeling that the boy was part wolf. There was something different about the child though. Wondering why he wasn’t upstairs, Angel finally broke the silence.

“Jesse?” he asked softly.

Jesse jumped slightly, irritated that he’d been caught unawares, and for a moment he felt his face shift to his other face, before he caught himself. He looked at Angel and knew the other man had seen it. The boy sighed and tried to distract him. Jesse said, “You’re good.”

Angel sat gaping at the boy. He hadn’t meant to startle him, but when he’d spoken, Angel could have sworn he’d seen the ghost of a vampire’s features cross the child’s face. He saw the resignation on Jesse’s face and then the boy spoke. Angel smirked faintly. “I try to be. Why don’t you come in and sit down?” Jesse hesitated for a moment before walking in and scrambling up into the chair on the other side of Angel’s desk. The dark vampire got up and closed the door. “Would you like something to drink?”


Angel nodded and pulled a bottle of water out of the mini-fridge behind his desk. Opening it, he handed it to the boy. Jesse smiled his thanks and took it. As Angel re-seated himself Jesse said, “You’re a vampire.”

Angel raised a brow and met the boy’s too-knowing gaze. “Yes, I am. How did you know?”

Jesse took a drink before answering. “I can see it. You have a soul too.” Angel nodded, but didn’t say anything. Jesse continued softly, “My Da was a vampire.”

Angel sat forward in his chair. “What do you mean, was? Who was your father?”

“Mum said his name was William. He died, here, in California, before I was born. She told me he saved the world.” Jesse studied Angel intently. “Did you know him?”

Angel considered his words carefully. Spike had a child. He could see the resemblance, now that he knew. Those cheekbones and that mouth were all William. Willow apparently didn’t know that he came back to unlife after Sunnydale fell. Angel thought back to the conversations he’d had with Xander over the years. He realized that not once had Willow or Spike’s name come up in conversation. No, that wasn’t true. He remembered asking Xander if he knew where Willow was and the young man had lied very convincingly that he did not. Angel was rather surprised that Xander had been able to keep the fact that he was with Willow a secret for so long. Angel, for his part, had never thought to mention that Spike was back. The pair’s conversations had leaned more towards working out their own issues than gossiping about what was going on with their respective groups. And when Angel had told him what was going on, the formerly blond vampire hadn’t come up. Finally, Angel met Jesse’s eyes. “Aye, lad, I knew him.” Before he could say any more his cell phone rang.

Angel answered it, but was cut off from saying anything by the very topic of his and Jesse’s conversation. “Angel, Willow and Xander are hurt. I don’t know where they are, but the house they were staying in was trashed and I found traces of their blood on the side of the road. I have to-“

Keeping an eye on Jesse, Angel interrupted him, “Spike, come home, now.” He didn’t see any sign of recognition that Jesse knew Spike was William.


“Now, Spike. Be on the next plane back to LA.”

“What’s going on, Peaches?”

“I’ll explain it when you get here.”

Spike sighed. “I’m on my way.”

They disconnected and Angel put his phone down. “Do you know why you and your mom are in danger? Do you know who is trying to find you?”

Jesse looked down, clearly trying to decide if he was going to answer or not. Angel waited patiently. Finally the little boy looked back up and the older vampire was taken aback at the gold tinge he could see in the child’s eyes. Jesse said in a low voice, “I’m special. I wasn’t supposed to happen, but Mum’s goddess gave me to her as a gift. Bad people found out somehow. I overheard Mum telling Unca Xander once that the bad people came to her dressed up as Buffy and Giles, but it wasn’t them, and tried to take her, so they could have me. She got away and then Unca Xander came to help her. We move around a lot. The bad people find us every once in a while, but we don’t know how. Mum’s very careful, but they still find us. We almost didn’t get away this time.” Jesse’s lower lip trembled and tears filled his eyes as he looked at Angel. “You won’t let the bad people get us, will you Angel?”

Angel was on his feet and scooping up the child into his arms before Jesse realized he’d moved. Angel sat in the chair with him in his lap and rocked the boy gently as he cried. The vampire had a feeling that Jesse hadn’t cried much at all. For one so young, he was very strong. The vampire murmured nonsense, trying to calm him down as he rubbed soothing circles on his back. Then Angel vowed in a low, fierce voice, “I promise you Jesse, no one will hurt you, or your mom, or you uncle. The three of you are safe here. No one will take you away. You’re family. No one will take you away.”

The pair stayed that way for a long time. Jesse fell asleep in Angel’s arms and the vampire was content to hold him. He had held Connor this way many years ago, before Holtz and Justine had taken him away. The pain of losing his son had lessened a bit over the years, more so since he and the adult version of Connor had become friends, but Angel missed being able to hold his son. Jesse was so small and helpless, despite the fact he was half vampire. Angel reveled in holding a part of his family again, be it only by vampire blood.

There was a soft knock on the door before it was opened by Willow. Angel turned his head, but didn’t rise, so as not to disturb the sleeping child. “How are you feeling, Willow?” he asked softly.

The redhead closed the door and sat next to him. The frantic look that had been about her since she’d arrived was gone. She smiled ruefully at her old friend, “Better, now that I know where my son is.” She watched Angel stroke Jesse’s hair. “You know, don’t you?” she asked softly.

“That Jesse is William’s? Yes.” Angel studied Willow for a moment and then gave in to his curiosity. “How?” That single word summed up all of the questions he had.

Willow ran a hand through her long, red hair, ordering her thoughts. Finally, she sighed. “I loved him for so long, Angel. It started when he kidnapped Xander and me in high school. He was so…heartbroken over Dru leaving him. And okay, yeah, he threatened to shove a broken bottle through my face, but the emotion he showed for the one he loved…touched a part of me. Then, when the Initiative de-fanged him and he came to us for help, we kinda got to know each other. He put on a good show of being The Big Bad, but he could be sweet when he wanted to be.”

She reached out a hand and lightly traced the curve of Jesse’s face. “I was too scared and insecure to think he might be able to feel a fraction for me what he’d felt for Drusilla, so I contented myself with trying to be his friend and buried my feelings deep. He fell in lust with Buffy and I had Tara. When we were getting ready to face the First, I knew that one of us was going to die. I thought it was going to be me. I didn’t want to die without letting him know how I felt.”

A light blush covered her cheeks and Willow avoided Angel’s eyes as she continued, unconsciously trailing a finger over the scar of Spike’s bite on her neck. “The night before the final battle, I went to him and told him what I wanted. Shocked the hell out him, that’s for sure, but he didn’t laugh or turn me away. It was beautiful and everything I’d ever dreamed it could be.” Willow’s voice thickened in remembered pain. “The next day he was gone. When I finally fell asleep, the Goddess visited me. She told me that as a reward for the sacrifices he and I had made that I would be granted a part of him. She gave me the most precious gift, next to having him back in this world. She gave me Jesse.”

Angel listened to and watched Willow intently as he still held Jesse. It was obvious the witch still loved his childe. Now Angel knew why Spike had been so adamant about finding her over the years. He returned her feelings. Angel decided not to mention that Spike was indeed unlive and well. He didn’t want to scare Willow into running before Spike got back. When it was apparent she was done speaking for the moment, Angel said, “You’re all safe here, Willow.” She met his compassionate chocolate eyes and he continued. “We’ll protect you and you all have a place here, with us, if you want. You won’t have to run anymore.”

Willow searched his eyes for a moment before smiling at him. Angel couldn’t help but smile back. Her smile was the one that used to light up rooms when he’d lived in Sunnydale and he had a feeling that it had been a very long time since that particular expression had crossed her face. Willow looked through the windows of his office, taking in the professional, but comfortable atmosphere. She recognized everyone in the office, but noticed some drastic changes in Fred. She finally said, “I think we’re finally home, Angel. I can feel it deep inside that we’re going to be safe here.” Standing, she moved to take Jesse from the vampire. “I should put him down and let you get back to work.”

Angel said, “He’s fine where he is. I don’t mind.” His gaze traveled to Connor who was hard at work. His voice was soft and wistful as he continued. “It’s been so long since I’ve had the chance to hold a part of my family close like this. I missed this part of Connor’s life.”

Willow swallowed. She had almost forgotten that Connor had been stolen from Angel. Before she could say anything, he shook himself faintly and said, “I need to know everything you can tell me about the people that are after you. We’ll find a way to stop them.”

The redhead nodded. “I know, Angel. But right now I’d like to find something to eat and maybe get some clothes that aren’t covered in blood. We left our suitcases behind.”

Angel smiled crookedly. “Right, let’s get you all taken care of.”

~Part: 3~

Clothing was acquired, meals were prepared, introductions were made, and stories were swapped.  Angel had a private word with Illyria, Gunn, and Connor, asking them not to mention Spike to the newcomers yet.  The trio didn't understand the request, but heeded it nonetheless.  Both Willow and Angel put off talking about the people who were after her, but for different reasons.  Willow, because, for the first time in six years, she felt safe and didn't want to consciously bring forth the fear and terror she'd been living under.  Angel, because he'd realized, after asking her for information, that it would be better to wait until Spike returned and the pair got their reunion out of the way.  So it was with great success that nothing dire had been discussed or revealed when everyone sat down to dinner the night after Willow, Xander, and Jesse's unexpected arrival.


Spike arrived back at the Hyperion the next night one very brassed-off vampire.  He hated flying, he hated being ordered about by his sire, and he was scared for Willow.  In all the times he'd gone after her, this was the first time, which he knew of anyway, that her blood had been spilled.  The younger vampire had no idea why Willow moved around the way she did, but he for damn sure wanted to find out.  His contacts had nothing to tell him and after five years of searching, Spike was beginning to lose hope.  Was it possible that she knew he was looking for her and didn't want him to find her?  If that were the case, then he'd wasted the last five years of his unlife chasing after another woman who didn't love him like he thought she did.  Spike really didn't want to think he'd played the fool once again.  Love's bitch he might be, but he had to have learned something by now, right?

Spike could hear voices coming from the kitchen, so he headed that way.  Glancing at his watch, he realized it was dinnertime for the humans.  He took a deep breath, in the hopes it would curb his inclination to rip Angel's head off his shoulders for treating him like some lackey on the phone the previous day, and froze.  Either his mind was playing tricks on him, which wasn't a complete impossibility, or Willow was there.  The scent was light, fresh, and new, but unmistakably Willow.  Spike inhaled cautiously one more time, this time picking up Xapper's and that other, more elusive, scent he had yet to be able to place.

Silently, Spike made his way down the hall towards the kitchen.  As he drew closer, the murmur of voices separated themselves into distinct entities.  He heard Connor say something about a new case and Illyria's snickering reply.  Then he heard it.  That sweet voice that had haunted him for six years.

"Jesse, honey, do you want more juice?"

Jesse's reply, whoever the hell that was, was lost even to his vampiric hearing.  Spike opened the door quietly and stood surveying the scene.  Angel, Connor, Gunn, Illyria, Xander, and a small boy, who had his back to the door, were all at the large, round dining table.  Willow stood, also with her back to the door, at the island pouring a glass of juice.

Spike stared at her back, taking in what changes he could see from his limited vantage point that six years had wrought in her.  Her hair was longer, falling down her back and was still that beautiful, fiery red.  Her figure was curvier in places than he remembered, but the new lushness to her still slim figure pleased him.

Jesse's head came up and he tensed as Angel glanced over and caught sight of Spike leaning in the doorway, staring at Willow.  Before he could say anything, the redhead turned around and locked eyes with his childe.  Angel watched as Willow's brow furrowed for a moment and then her green eyes widened in recognition.  All the color drained from her face and the glass of juice fell from her suddenly nerveless fingers and shattered on the tile floor.  "Spike?" she whispered.

"'ello, Willow," Spike said in that low, sexy purr that she hadn't heard in six years, except in her dreams.

"Oh.  My.  God."  She said as she swayed on her feet.

Though Xander was closer, Spike was the one who caught Willow before she hit the floor.  Burying his face in her hair, he breathed in her scent.  "Gods, I have missed you, Witch."  The words were murmured right in her ear, so only she heard them.

Willow tried to take some deep, calming breaths so she wouldn't pass out, but Spike, and she really had no doubt that it was Spike, was holding her too tightly.  She managed to gasp out, "Oxygen.oxygen becoming an issue."

Spike loosened his grip, but still held her close.  Willow leaned back in the circle of his arms to look at him.  Bringing her hand up, she traced the contours of his face, taking in his darker hair and how it brought out his beautiful blue eyes even more, touching him, and assuring herself that the vampire was indeed real and not some figment of her imagination.  "You were dead," she said softly.

The corner of Spike's mouth quirked up, "Still am, luv."

Willow scowled and shook her head slightly.  "Dust, you were dust.  How are you here?"

"Funny story, that.  You see."

While the pair re-familiarized themselves with each other, the other occupants of the kitchen were watching them silently, the meal, understandably, forgotten.  Angel was waiting for the explosion he was sure would be forthcoming when the shock had worn off.  Connor, Gunn, and Illyria were watching the couple in fascination.  They had never seen Spike look at or handle anyone the way he did Willow.

Xander was dumbfounded that Spike was apparently still one of the walking undead.  Why had Angel not told him that?  Then again, he hadn't been all that forthcoming in certain areas either.  In fact, Xander remembered, he'd baldly lied to the vampire on several occasions.  There was no love lost between him and Spike, but Xander was rather glad the snarky Brit was back.  What was puzzling him though, was how. intimate he and Willow seemed to be.

Jesse stared at his mum and the dark-haired stranger.  He was a vampire, Jesse knew that much, because he sensed him when the man had opened the door.  Opening his senses, Jesse looked deeper into this Spike person.  What he found made him happy and scared all at the same time.  The word just fell from his lips before he knew he was going to say it, "Da?"

Spike ignored the little voice at first, so intent was he on explaining how he came to be a part of the unliving again, but the quickening of Willow's heartbeat and her sharp intake of breath made him pause.  He looked at her face, but she was staring past him.  Turning slightly, he met the boy's blue-green eyes.  He could see the hope and fear in their unusually colored depths.  Spike took the time to study the boy, noting the short, curly light brown hair, high cheekbones, and full little mouth.  The vampire frowned slightly; he knew that face.  Then the single word the boy had uttered penetrated.  Spike's eyes widened and he looked at Willow, who cautiously pulled herself out of his arms.

Clearing her throat, Willow said as calmly as she could, "Uh.congratulations, Spike.  You're a daddy."

Spike's jaw dropped, but he didn't say anything, not quite sure if she was joking or not.

The silence that followed that statement didn't last long.  Xander looked back and forth between Jesse and Spike.  Now that the two were in the same room, it was quite easy to see the resemblance, especially since Spike had apparently gone back to his natural hair color.  All those times Xander had convinced himself that the smirk on his 'nephew's' lips wasn't Spike's, and whatdya know?  It really was.

But if Jesse was Spike's son, then that meant that he and Willow had.Xander jumped up and practically yelled, "You slept with Fangless?  He's the guy who meant so much to you, who died when Sunnydale fell?  Spike?!  How is Jesse even possible then?  Hel-lo, vampire?  Wills," his tirade petered out when he got a look at his best friend's face.  Tears were streaming, unheeded, down her pale cheeks as she listened to him rant.  Slowly, Xander sank back into his chair.  "You didn't tell me, because you were afraid I'd react the way I just did, didn't you?"  He finished quietly.

Sniffling, Willow gave a watery smile to her son when he handed her a napkin.  Jesse growled softly and glared at his uncle before wrapping his arms around her legs.  Willow wiped her eyes and then picked Jesse up to hold him close.  She kept her eyes trained on Xander, not daring yet to look at Spike.  Therefore she missed the staring contest going on between her son and his father.  She finally said, "That was partly it, Xan.  I know the two of you have never gotten along.  Only Jesse, the people after us, and as of yesterday, Angel, knew whom his father was.  I'm kinda surprised you never figured it out."  Hugging Jesse a little bit tighter, she continued, "He looks so much like Spike.  But the main reason I didn't tell you was to protect you.  The fewer people who know Jesse is half-vampire the better."  Willow tilted her head, so focused on her conversation that she didn't realize Jesse had slipped out of her arms.  "Xander, you must have had some idea.  Didn't you ever wonder why his eyes would turn golden when he was scared or really upset?  Didn't you ever wonder why he was so strong, even though he's so small?"

Xander nodded slowly.  "I thought it was because of you.  You're so powerful; I thought maybe you'd passed something on to him.  There were a lot of times that I could have sworn Jesse was a little Spike, but I convinced myself I was just imagining things.  I mean, he's a vampire, and vampires can't have children."  Willow looked around as she finally became aware of the fact that Jesse was no long in her arms.  She saw the pair over by the counter talking quietly.  A small smile graced her face as she turned back to the others.

Connor spoke up then.  "Actually, it tends to run in this family."  Angel shushed him and he just smirked at his dad in return.  Gunn and Illyria were still watching avidly.

Spike and Jesse had been ignoring the conversation going on around them, the two studying each other intently.  Of their own accord, each reached a hand out and lightly traced the contours of the other's face.  They smiled identical crooked smiles at each other and Spike tentatively reached out to Jesse.  The little boy went into the vampire's arms willingly and they moved a few steps away.

Spike set Jesse down on the counter and the two looked at each other for another moment before Jesse said softly, "Mum told me your name was William.  She told me you died saving the world."

Spike answered him just as softly, "My name is William and I did die saving the world, but I was brought back a bit later."  He swallowed past the lump in his throat.  "I've been looking for your mum for a long time."

"She didn't know."

Spike's mouth quirked up at the corner again.  "Yeah, I gathered that," he said dryly.

Jesse returned the smile, then took a deep breath, and held out his hand.  "My name is Jesse William Alexander Rosenberg.  It's nice to meet you, Da."

Spike gently grasped his hand, still somewhat in shock.  "I'm William Cavanaugh, your father.  It's nice to meet you too.son."  With that, Spike pulled Jesse into his arms and held him tightly.  Burying his face into the crook of the boy's neck, he inhaled deeply.  This was the scent he'd been unable to place and now he knew why.  It was a combination of himself and Willow and something uniquely Jesse.  It was the trace of his own scent that had thrown him.  There was magick in this child, strong magick, which was really only to be expected, considering who his mum was.

Jesse snuggled into the comforting embrace of his Da.  The scent of leather and cigarettes surrounded him.  He said softly to himself, "We can all be a family now."

Willow's raised voice brought both Spike and Jesse back into the rest of the conversation.  "You knew Spike was alive and living here and you didn't bother to tell me yesterday when I told you about Jesse?!"

Angel calmly said, "Yes.  I didn't want to spook you into running before he got back.  He's been looking for you for five years.  I wasn't about to let you leave."

Willow opened her mouth to say something, but he forestalled her with a question that had been plaguing him since she'd arrived.  "Why didn't you come to me when you found out you were pregnant, Willow?  Spike is my childe and I always thought you and I were friends.  I would have taken you in and taken care of you and Jesse without question.  You wouldn't have had to live on the run for the last six years.  Why didn't you come to me?"

Willow's righteous anger deflated in the face of the obvious hurt in Angel's voice.  Her old friend had a point.  She probably would have taken Jesse and run if she'd known Spike was really alive, well unlive, yesterday.  She nodded, conceding that point, then sank into her chair as she answered Angel's question.  Head lowered, she said, "I didn't know who I could trust, Angel.  I didn't know anything about you and Wolfram & Hart.  The last I knew, you were taking on Jasmine.  I-I was taken when I was three months pregnant.  That whole experience left me wondering what was real and what wasn't.  After I got away, I went to the only person I knew in my soul I could trust, Xander.  Honestly, it never even crossed my mind that you would take me in or that you would care about my child.  You and Spike never got along and it was easy to forget that you were his sire."

She raised over-bright green eyes and met his dark chocolate gaze.  "If I had been thinking straight, we probably could have avoided all of this, but I wasn't.  I'm sorry."

Spike and Jesse rejoined everyone at the table.  Jesse climbed up into Willow's lap and Spike pulled a chair as close to her as he could.  He wrapped an arm around her, unable to not touch her now that she was there with him.

"What happened Willow?"  Spike asked quietly.

~Part: 4~

"What happened, Willow?"  Spike asked quietly.

Willow closed her eyes; the fear, anger, and sense of betrayal she still felt, threatening to overwhelm her.  The arm Spike had around her shoulders tightened as he sensed her chaotic feelings.  A small hand caressed her face and a larger, calloused one grasped her right hand comfortingly.  Jesse and Xander, the two constants in her life since the whole nightmare began.

Gunn spoke for the first time since Spike arrived.  "Willow, if you're not up to this yet, the explanations can wait.  No one is going to force you to do anything you don't want to do."

Willow opened her eyes and smiled weakly at him.  "Thank you, Charles, but now is as good a time as any.  It's just.not a good place for me to go.  I'll be all right."

Gunn nodded, still not completely convinced.  Willow took a deep breath and started.  "Okay, after Sunnydale fell, we all kinda went our separate ways.  Buffy, Dawn, and Andrew went to Rome.  Giles went to England, Xander to Africa.  I stayed here in the U.S.  I knew I was pregnant and I didn't want to travel the world looking for newly activated slayers."

Spike interrupted her softly, "We really need to talk about how that happened, luv."

Willow smiled crookedly at him.  "I know, but let me get through this first, please?"  He nodded in agreement and she continued.

"I was in New York when I was about three months along.  I was writing computer programs, freelancing for several different companies.  Occasionally, I would do some consulting work.  It paid well and it's something I enjoy doing.  Anyway, I was in New York and got a surprise visit from Buffy and Giles.  They told me there was a situation and needed my witchy expertise.  I was pretty happy to see them, so it didn't occur to me that they could have just called.  My doctor had told me I was doing fine and I agreed to go with them."  Willow paused and Xander squeezed her hand again.  She had told him what had happened to her and he knew it was difficult for her to talk about.

Taking a deep breath, she continued.  "They had booked a private jet.  Once we were on it, they drugged me.  When I woke up, I didn't have any idea where I was.  I was in a nice room with a bathroom, bars on the windows and an industrial lock on the door.  I was groggy and confused, couldn't really understand what was going on.  Then Giles came in and started asking me questions.  He wanted to know about my baby.  I didn't know how he knew that I was pregnant, because I hadn't told anyone.  But he kept asking questions.  I was pretty out of it, but on some level I knew not to answer.  He kept at it for over an hour before he gave up in frustration.  After he left, I tried to do a locator spell to find out where I was."  Her voice broke slightly and she had to wait a few minutes before she could go on.

Jesse just laid his head on her shoulder and hugged her tightly.  He knew what was coming and the little boy didn't like seeing his mum so sad and frightened.  He may have been in his mum's tummy when all of this happened, but he knew what she'd gone through.  Some of it she'd told him, some of it he just knew.  Finally under control again, Willow spoke.  "My powers had been bound.  I couldn't even float a pencil.  The last of the drug had worn off by then and I was fully aware of what was going on.  It was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life.  The magick had been a part of me for so feel it locked up inside me and be unable to tap it was.shattering.  I-I pitched a fit, completely trashed my room.  I started screaming at the top of my lungs, wanting to know what was going on, why my closest friends were doing this to me.  Buffy came in and tried to calm me down.  She told me they needed to know about my baby, because he or she was going to be very important to them.  Silly me, I thought she meant my baby would be important to them because it was mine and they cared for me."

Willow snorted softly, "Not hardly.  To this day, I'm still not exactly sure why they want Jesse, they never did come right out and tell me, but I'll be damned if I'll let them anywhere near him.  They never touched me physically, for fear of hurting the baby, but they did a number on my mind.  It took me two months of withstanding their interrogations and mental tortures to get out.  Whatever binding spell they'd placed on me wasn't strong enough to last.  My power is too great and I prayed to the Goddess every day to protect me and the gift she'd bestowed on me.  The combination of the two worked.  One day I was powerless, the next I was back at full strength."

Her lips twisted in a parody of a smile.  The others in the room were listening with rapt attention, even Xander who had heard this all before, but in much greater detail.  He knew she was leaving a lot out, but Willow was giving enough information to get the point across.  He shuddered slightly at what was coming.  Xander knew the darkness was still a part of her and that she had monumental control over it, but whenever he thought about what she had done, it still gave him chills.  Willow spoke over the lump in her throat.  What she had done was not one of her prouder moments.  "When I regained my magick.I went a little crazy."

She glanced at Xander.  He just looked at her with understanding and squeezed her hand.  "Dark, veiny, evil Willow made an appearance.  I blew the door to my room off its hinges and systematically destroyed whatever I found in the house.  When I found Buffy and was not a good day to be a bad guy.  But I found out something that brought me back to myself in a hurry.  I had been.questioning Giles for about an hour when the most extraordinary thing happened.  He changed.  He wasn't Giles anymore."  Her voice and expression were puzzled.  "He was a faceless thing in what looked like a ninja costume, with a blank metal plate over where his face should have been."

Angel, Spike, Gunn, and Illyria all sucked in a breath at her description.  Willow and Xander looked at them curiously.  Willow said, "That sounds familiar?"

Instead of answering directly, Illyria asked, "Did you open your captor up?"

Willow dropped her eyes.  In a low voice she said, "Eventually, yeah."

Nodding, Illyria asked another question.  "What did you find?"

Willow's voice was still somewhat bewildered and a little fascinated.  "This thing was amazing.  It was almost like ADAM, except without the demon parts.  The synergy between flesh and machine was so was like a human and a robot had had a baby and it grew up to be this bizarre living thing."  A memory of Spike and the Buffybot flashed through Willow's mind and she risked a glance at Spike.  He had the oddest look on his face, like he was remembering something similar.  Their eyes met and they shared a small smile.

Illyria pulled them back to the present.  She said, "It sounds like the same creatures that tried to take Angel a few years ago."  She cocked her head as she combed through Fred's memories.  "To my knowledge, we never did find out who the cyborgs were working for.  Other in the way."

Xander looked at Angel.  "You've met these things?"

Angel grimaced.  "Yes.  They infiltrated Wolfram & Hart.  One portrayed Wesley's father.  He knocked Wes out and stole some sort of artifact from his vault, then lured me up to the roof."  His memory was a bit hazy about what had happened on the roof.  He did remember being very nauseous though.  "The cyborg pretending to be Roger Wyndam-Pryce tried to suck away my free will and turn me into his own personal lackey."  Angel shot a look at Illyria.  "When he threatened to shoot Fred, Wesley shot him.  That's when we found out he wasn't really Wes' father."

Willow looked at Angel with wide eyes.  "Wes shot his father?  I mean, even though it really wasn't his father, but.he shot his father?"

Illyria said softly, "He loved Fred very much.  He made it very clear that he would kill or die to protect her."  The former god-king swallowed and her eyes flashed from her usual warm brown to the icy blue of her true visage before she got her emotions under control again.  "Wesley was a good man."

Both Connor and Gunn wrapped an arm around her and squeezed affectionately.  Spike said, "That he was, pet."  He turned his attention back to Willow.  "Did you find out anything useful from the pillocks who were holding you?"

Willow shook her head.  "Not really.  They told me that there were signs that had pointed to the coming birth of a child borne of a witch and a vampire.  Those signs had led them to me and they were charged with making sure I was agreeable to whatever their employers wanted.  They died before they gave up said employer's names.  I really would have thought they could have withstood the torture a little more."  The redhead fell silent for a few moments, savoring the memory of the power she had wielded at the time.

A part of her was ashamed at her loss of control, but another part of her reveled in holding life and death in her hands.  It was all about balance, she reminded herself.  Shaking free of those thoughts, Willow said, "After I calmed down and got my head together a bit, I went through their files and computers and found absolutely jack.  I even pulled their memory cards, but there was nothing on them.  They'd been wiped clean.  I guess there was some program written in so that if one of those things died, all of its systems would be erased.  Even though I was safe for the moment, I was still a wreck.  I was five months pregnant and had essentially been tortured mentally and emotionally by my best friend and my mentor.  The only person I could think of to go to was Xander.  I did a locator spell, found out where he was, and teleported my pregnant self right to him."

She smiled at her old friend and he responded with his trademark goofy grin.  "Xan helped me get myself together and decided to keep an eye on me.  We've been together ever since.  Jesse was born in Wales.  When he was three months old, the cyborgs found us and we had to run.  I don't know how, that's something I haven't been able to figure out yet, but I'm still trying.  We've been traveling light since, until now.  I'm not running anymore.  My son deserves to have a normal life and I feel safe here, with all of you."  Willow turned her eyes to Spike who was still nestled up close to her.  "I want my family back," she said quietly.


Willow woke up in a cold sweat.  Thankfully the screaming in her mind hadn't made it out of her mouth.  The last thing she wanted to do was wake up her son or her best friend.  She hadn't had a nightmare like that in a while.  The witch knew she'd had it because of the things she'd told everyone earlier.  Knowing what brought the night terror about didn't make any easier to deal with, though.

Deciding that sleep wasn't on the menu for the foreseeable future, Willow slipped out of bed and pulled on her new robe over her pajamas.  She checked to make sure Jesse was still snuggled in his bed and then slipped out of the suite.  Dawn was near, so Willow sought the relative peace of the coming morning.  Making her way to the roof, she found a comfortable spot facing east and waited for the sunrise.  In an effort to calm her racing mind, Willow set about the meditation exercises she had learned.  She was so deep in her trance that she didn't hear the door open.  So she was very surprised by the soft voice at her ear.


She jumped and looked at Spike who was standing hesitantly next to her.  "Hi."

Spike just stood there for a moment taking in her features in the false light of the coming dawn.  Without thinking, he brought his hand up and brushed a few stray strands of her hair away from her face.  Willow leaned into the caress.  "You're even prettier now than you were six years ago, luv.  I wish I could have been there to help you."  He said quietly.

"You were, Spike.  You were in my heart where you have always been.  I wish I had thought or that Xander had suggested we come to Angel sooner.  Maybe this all would be behind us if I had."

Spike shook his head.  "Timing wasn't right, luv.  But you're here now and we will put an end to this.  No one will lay a finger on you or my son."  His blue eyes bored into her green.  His voice was almost desperate when he asked, "How did it happen, Willow?"

Willow wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his chest.  "The Goddess gave Jesse to me as a gift, as a way to keep a part of you with me always, and as a reward for the sacrifices you and I had made.  She came to me in a dream when I finally slept after the battle.  I knew from the very beginning that I was pregnant, and the only thing I wanted more than that baby was to see your face again.  If I had known.if I had known you were back I would have come to you."

Spike tightened his hold on his redhead.  "I've been chasing you all over the world for five years, pet.  I kept just missing you.  I almost found you in Germany, Italy, Spain, and most recently Australia.  Scenting your blood bloody well terrified me.  They got really close to nabbin' you this time."

Willow nodded against Spike's chest.  "Yeah, they did and Xander got shot because of us."  She could feel the tears rise again and blinked them back.  "I'm so tired of running, Spike.  I want Jesse to be able to start school and make friends and not have to worry that we'll have to leave in the middle of the night.  He can speak three languages already.  Did you know that?"  Without giving Spike time to answer, she went on.  "His first words were in German.  And he's pretty fluent in Spanish too.  We've spent a lot of time around Brits and Aussie's and he's got the cutest little accent when he gets tired."  Willow looked up at Spike.  "I've told him about you.  I wanted him to know about his father."

Spike stared down into Willow's eyes.  He said softly, "Thank you for that."  He leaned down and met Willow's slightly parted lips.  He kept the kiss soft, but full of promise.  There were six years for them to catch up on and a child for him to get to know, not to mention a very serious threat to the woman he loved and his child.  Now was not the time to lose themselves in passion, but with that kiss, each made it clear that they were willing to explore what they had briefly touched upon so long ago.

The first light of a new day shone as they broke apart.  Spike wrapped Willow in his arms and rested his chin on her head.  Together, they watched the sun rise.

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